Second Grade Unit 1 Lesson 2

Lecture free icon 第一周第二课:我的家人和宠物 My Family and Pets

 Learning Intentions 中文目标:

1. 我可以说出我的宠物是什么。

2. 我可以回答问题:我家有几口人?我家有___口人和我的宠物。

3. 我可以按正确的笔画顺序写:姐,哥。

Goal free icon Success Criteria 成功标准:

1. I can say what animal my pet is.

2. I can answer the question: How many persons are in your family? I have_____ people in my family and my pet is a ______.

3. I can write 姐 and 哥 using correct stroke order.

Think free icon Learn 老师做:

1. 唱歌:

2. 老师做:

First video:  Learning objectives and vocabulary

Second video: Build on conversational skills

Learning free icon Engage 你做:

Daily Writing:

Writing Practice: 写字:姐哥

Share 分享:

  1. 和你的家人说你们的宠物是什么?Share with your family how to say what animal your pet is in Chinese?
  2. 和你的家人分享,你家有几口人和宠物。Share with your family in Chinese how many members are in your family and what your pet is.